Registration fee payment options


The fees are as follows:

1)  125,00 € + VAT for members of the MC of COST Action IC0902,
2)  250,00 € + VAT for non MC participants until September 8 (Early registration). Authors of accepted technical contributions must register by September 8 in order to be granted with a slot in the technical program.
3)  350,00 € + VAT after September 15 (Late Registration). ATTENTION: It will not be possible to register online after September 30. On site registration during the event will be only possible in cash. 

The registration fee can be paid either online by credit card / PayPal or by wire transfer. Instructions for both payment methods are provided below.

Online payment with credit card / PayPal

Please select the correct payment option and proceed to the payment by clicking the button below.

Fee option:

All payments are processed by PayPal, and we will never ask you your credit card number.
You will receive a confirmation email by PayPal after the payment is completed.

Wire transfer

Please issue the wire transfer to the following bank account:

Bank account beneficiary: SPinV S.r.L.
Bank name: UNICREDIT
Local Branch: Agenzia Roma Lecce
Branch Address: Piazza Lecce 8, 00161 Rome, Italy
IBAN: IT25M0200805212000102136871

IMPORTANT: In the wire transfer form please indicate the following reason for payment: “IC0902 4th Workshop Registration Fee <Last name> <First name>”

After completing the payment, please send us a scanned copy of the wire transfer receipt to the email address so that we are aware of your payment, and can later confirm the successful reception of the wire transfer.