Call for contributions

The Management Committee of COST Action IC0902 solicits submissions for the 4th Workshop of COST Action IC0902 to be held in Rome, Italy, October 9–11, 2013.

The main objective of COST Action IC0902 is to integrate the cognitive concept across all layers of a communication system, leading to the definition of a European platform for cognitive radio and networks. More information about the IC0902 Action can be found on the Action website

The goal of the Workshop is to favor exchange and foster innovative research on cognitive radio and networks. Specific topics correspond to the areas covered by IC0902 Working Groups and Special Interest Groups.
Contributions presenting early results and work in progress on all topics relevant to the IC0902 Action are welcome.
Submissions by Early Stage Researchers and IC0902 STSM grant recipients are strongly encouraged.

Contribution proponents will present their work at the Workshop and will be eligible for travel reimbursement. In the remote hypothesis of shortage of fundings priority will be given to Master thesis/ Ph.D. students and Early Stage Researchers.

Open access online repository

IC0902 will set up an open access online repository to host technical contributions, following explicit consent by the authors in the contribution template.

Contribution format

The suggested format is a two-pages extended abstract presenting the research topic and highlighting relevant results, formatted according to the contribution template (see next page).

Submission deadline: September 8, 2013

Submission procedure

Step 1)   Identify the more relevant WG/SIG to the proposed contribution (see the Action webpage at for information on groups and relevant contact points)
Step 2)   Download the MS Word contribution template
Step 3)   Fill in the template following instructions on first page
Step 4)   Submit the contribution by email to the address

by using the following email subject:

<WGXX/SIGXX> – IC0902 4th Workshop – <Last name of main author>

Download a pdf version of this call for contributions